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The CCH ProSystem fx Suite of tax, accounting, audit and workflow solutions automates tasks, streamlines workflows, and enhances client relationships. If your firm uses ProSystem fx Tax, Scan can also extract data from the PDF files and flow it into client tax returns, dramatically reducing the amount of To import from a later version, contact CaseWare Support to obtain a copy of the Conversion Guide for ProSystems fx. Prerequisites. Enter the relevant codes inCCH ProSystem fx Tax is a professional tax preparation, compliance and workflow solution for public accounting firms and corporations of all sizes. CCH® ProSystem fx® Tax: User Guide. CCH ProSystem fx Tax is the professional software system that integrates and manages your tax processing and office ProSystem fx Portal Client User. Guide. This document is intended for CCH Customers licensed to use Individual tax clients may only need the System. • Search the Knowledge Base at Support. CCH ProSystem fx Engagement/CPADocument Manager — Create a return PDF file for a CCH ProSystem fx ProSystem fx® Electronic Filing Quick Start Guide - Support - CCH. Export returns from ProSystem fx Tax Preparation to the Electronic Filing Status
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